Getting Around

There is no public transportation.

You could rent a car, but do this only when on a trip to the north east and west for near distance take a taxi, rent a scooter or find someone who take your with on a ride but negotiate the price first. 
Lazada Indonesia

Be aware that the people are not much work driven, if you want to travel somewhere it's rather common they just don't want. So the best option definitely is to do in on your own by a scooter.

Coming and leaving is mostly via the airport.

Denpasar Airport in the south

use the scooter for getting around but be very careful

Scooters are not expensive, after some negotiation it should be possible to get one for about $ 7,- a day when you take it a few.  If you don't have some experience with two wheeler be extremly careful since the locals don't care about anything on the road there is a constant fight. I don't know why they are like that, probably because there are far too many people around and that makes aggressive. Maybe just lay down on the beach and do nothing like the guy below.
beach activities at Legian

Take a descriptive map ( on the left side of every page) from the hotel and hit the road, if you come to the island during the rainy season you can buy a cheap plastic coat for not getting wet, no need to take any particular clothing with you. They have this stuff hanging everywhere on the roadside.Don't rent it through the hotel since they will increase the price, just go downtown Kuta there are plenty of shops renting bikes. Check with your insurance at home if you can get coverage if something happen they wont do it here. 

Always plan the trip a little since the roads are not good at all although with a bike it's always better as with a car or bus. Because of the narrow streets overtaking is very difficult.

getting around with the scooter on rotten roads

Boating on Lake Buyan with the outrigger canoe

Lazada Indonesia
